Environmental commitment
Joshen Paper Implements Green Initiatives
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Environmental Commitment

Joshen Paper & Packaging is an active participant in promoting environmental awareness. We understand that environmental friendliness is important and recognize the responsibility to be good stewards of the earth's environment. We expect that the investments we make in "green" technology today will pay off many times over in the future.
- We do not water our lawn.
- We do not bag our grass clippings.
- We have awnings on many of our windows to reduce building temperatures.
- We support a paperless order filing and invoicing system whenever a customer approves this
- We recycle office toner cartridges and computer equipment
- We recycle our corrugated boxes
- We use 30% recycled copy paper for office work
- We have implemented a state of the art transportation software package to efficiently route our trucks; decreasing fuel consumption
- We offer our customers the newest in green technology for packaging and cleaning solutions
Joshen Encourages our Suppliers and Customers to Recycle
During customer on-site evaluations, often times Joshen personnel have witnessed shrink wrap and other recyclable products not being recycled. Joshen has been able to connect many of our customers with our recycling partners, resulting in recycling programs being implemented and our customers are now generating income for recycling their used materials.
If Joshen is awarded business from a customer and the product is replacing existing product, we investigate the resin codes to see if the material is recyclable. As an example, we delivered 450 new outdoor trash containers to a large venue customer, but also coordinated the pick-up of the old trash containers that were delivered to a recycling company.
Joshen Paper Environmental Statistics
In one month, approximately 3.53 tons of material were recycled by the employees of Joshen Paper!
- 60 trees were saved by our efforts
- 24,710 fewer gallons of water were used to produce recycled paper
- When compared with the manufacture of paper from virgin resources, by recycling 3.53 tons, Joshen Paper avoided nearly 211.8 pounds of air pollutants
- More than 10.5 cubic yards of landfill were saved by our efforts
- A savings of 1,630.8 gallons of oil was realized for 3.53 tons of paper that was recycled
Joshen Paper Implements Fujitsu Scanners
To read more about how Joshen now is reducing paper use & improving business processes with enterprise content management systems, click here.
Joshen Paper Implements Plastic Recycling Programs
Shrink Wrap
Everyday, Joshen receives truckloads upon truckloads of supply products into our distribution centers. As Joshen employees are pulling orders, there are hundreds of pounds of used shrink wrap around pallets from received supply products. Joshen employees full-time staff to bale on-site all the used plastic shrink wrap. This is backhauled by a recycling company that recycles the shrink wrap, and uses the resins in their manufacturing process.