can liner information
Choose the Correct Size & Reduce Your Costs
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Can Liner Solutions
Does Your Facility Have "UBO?"
Next time you are walking through your operation, look at your waste receptacles to see if your facility suffers from "UBO"; Joshen's term for Ugly Bag Overhang. Not only is this unsightly, but choosing the correct can liner size and gauge for the application will dramatically cut your supply costs and contribute to source reduction. This may seem trivial, but it has been Joshen's findings that facilities are using sizes up to 30% more than needed, and we want to communicate this to anyone who has taken the time to view this page! So what does that mean if you are spending $10,000-$100,000 or more in can liners? Do the math. You will see how this might be a huge opportunity for immediate decrease in indirect-spend supply costs.
Understanding Can Liners
With over 100 sizes and styles of can liners to choose from...where do you start? What film material do you need? What film color do you need? What thickness of can liner do you need?
Follow these 4 Steps to improve the appearance of your facility and achieve can liner cost savings:
1. Choose the Right Film for Your Application
Film Type | Puncture Resistance |
Tear Resistance |
Load Capacity |
Linear Low Density Can Liner (gauge is measured in "Mil") Recommended for sharper objects under tougher transport conditions. Linear low density trash can liners have excellent resistance to punctures and tearing. Recommended for: -Broken glass, can lids and plastic cutlery (food service) -Outdoor receptacles -Industrial |
Good | Greater | Good |
High Density Can Liner (gauge is measured in "Mic") Great for paper and non-sharp objects under moderate transportation conditions. Uses less plastic than linear low density can liners. High density plastic trash can liners have excellent resistance to puncture and high resistance to tearing. Recommended for: -Ideal for wet, bulky trash; not recommended for sharp objects -Food scraps, coffee grounds -Paper trash (office, food service, restrooms) -Healthcare and lodging (mandatory multiple liner changes) |
Greater | Good | Greater |
2. Choose the Right Size for Your Trash Containers
A bag that is too small will fall into the receptacle. A bag that’s too large requires you to spend time knotting or banding to secure it in place. A properly fitted liner should have approximately 3 to 4 inches hanging over the top of the container. Use this formula to determine the correct size:

BAG WIDTH: Use one half of the outer circumference of the container.
BAG LENGTH: Use the height of the container, plus one half of the diameter of the container bottom, plus 3 inches (for overhang).
For square or rectangular containers, use the diagonal of the container bottom, rather than the diameter.
3. How Strong Does the Can Liner Need To Be?
Can liners are available in a large variety of thicknesses (gauges). Typically, the thicker the bag the more weight it can hold. Static load (lifting strength) is the best way to choose a can liner strength. Below are the approximate gauge equivalents for static load:
Application | Low Density |
High Density |
Refuse Weight Light Weight Medium Weight Heavy Weight Extra Heavy Super Tuf Super Heavy XX Heavy XXX Heavy |
.30 - .35 Mil .36 - .49 Mil .50 - .60 Mil .61 - .74 Mil .75 - .80 Mil .81 - 1.0 Mil 1.1-1.2 Mil 1.2-1.9 Mil 2.0-3.0 Mil |
6 Mic 7 - 9 Mic 10 - 12 Mic 13 - 14 Mic 15 - 17 Mic 18 - 24 Mic n/a n/a n/a |
4. Choose the Right Color
Opaque liners hide unsightly trash. Silver or colored liners are great for aesthetics and clear bags should be used to prevent theft and for recycling.
Joshen Has Every Can Liner You Need
Joshen supplies can liners to thousands of locations across the United States. We inventory every color, in every size, and in every gauge from flat packs to rolls that you need. Contact us today so that we can assist you in choosing the right can liner for your application to minimize your can liner costs and maximize your source reduction initiatives.