Janitorial & Maintenance
High Quality Cleaning Supplies & Equip. Low Prices.
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here to contact us to receive more information on Supply Products, Joshen's
flexible Distribution Programs, or Procurement Solutions.
Distribution Programs
Joshen's Delivery Solutions
What's the most cost-effective option for delivering your
supply products to your locations? Joshen will customize a Distribution Program
for you.
Click here to learn about Joshen's flexible Distribution Programs.
Restroom Program
Enhance Your Appearance
Joshen offers a complete touch-free dispensing program, refills, and all the cleaners, disinfectants, and tools to get your restrooms in top shape! Click here to learn more.
Green Floor Stripping
Clarke® BOOST Technology

Click here to learn more about the newest technology in the floor cleaning industry. Stripping without chemicals!
Decrease your labor and chemical costs while helping the environment!
Make sure to watch the demo video!
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Janitorial & Maintenance Solutions
Joshen Has Over 2,000 Janitorial & Maintenance Supply Products

Assiting you in maintaining a healthy environment in your facility is one of Joshen's areas of expertise. Joshen has many programs that we offer to insure your staff is proficient in all aspects of your cleaning programs. Joshen's commercial cleaning products and methods can assist you in cleaning and sanitizing your facilities more effectively and keeping them consistently clean throughout the year; without breaking your existing cleaning and maintenance budgets. Our products not only deliver much better cleaning results, but also improve productivity. Plus, with Joshen's controlled dispensing systems, they can reduce chemical usage.
Joshen offers floor finishes that offer flexibility in care to further reduce labor costs. Joshen not only has the chemicals that you need, we offer training for your staff as well as the floor equipment necessary to effectively complete tasks efficiently. If your facility requires floor matting, Joshen offers a variety of options in colors and functionality.
For our food service processing plants and industrial business segments, all cleaners, sanitizers, and disinfectants are also available in totes and tankers.
Product Categories
Brooms & Dustpans
Can Liners
Feminine Hygiene
Floor Equipment
Floor Mats
Janitorial Storage
Laundry Products
Lighting Products
Liquid Storage & Dispensing
Microfiber Products
Mopping Equipment
Odor Control
Pest Control
Restroom Products
Scouring, Scraping & Scrubbing
Skin Care
Spill & Vomit
Tissue & Seat Covers
Trash Containers
Window Washing
One-Stop for All Your Supply Products
The Total Package we deliver!
Joshen truly eliminates the need for costly multiple suppliers. With an inventory of more than 20,000 supply products, all of your needs to operate your business, from the back to the front, are taken care of at the lowest cost. With our expansive truck fleet, we can deliver the products you need at your location in the shortest time possible; or take advantage of Joshen's backhaul program to further drive down your supply costs! Along with our timely delivery, our procurement systems ensure you won't be out of supplies and be faced with operational issues or missed opportunities. Our S.M.A.R.T. System effectively manages your supply products, and flexible reporting technology delivers information to your desktop in a flash!
So whether your a supermarket, c-store, food establishment, food processor, manufacturing facility, retail store, public or private institution, municipality, distributor, or contractor, Joshen has the supply products that you need, at the lowest cost, to effectively merchandise and efficiently operate and manage your business. If we don't have it, we'll get it!