Crown Poly
Pull-N-Pak Is Proven To Grow Sales & Profits !
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Manufacturer Showcase>Crown Poly>Pull-N-Pak
Increase your store’s profitability by enhancing your customer’s experience and encouraging greater sales with the Crown Poly Pull-N-Pak® System.
Don't Miss the New Carniceria Bag Available !
One Bag at a Time Dispensing
The Pull-N-Pak system dispenses only one bag at a time,
Pre-Opened BagsThe Pull-N-Pak system solves shoppers #1 complaint by providing pre-opened bags while on the dispenser. |
Wide-Opening, Static-Free BagsWide-Opening and static free, Pull-N-Pak bags stay open and are easy for customers to load.
Large Capacity BagsWith 15” x 20” capacity, Pull-N-Pak bags hold 50% more than standard roll bags, encouraging shoppers to purchase greater volumes. This larger size is proven to generate increased sales.
Star-Sealed BottomPull-N-Pak’s patented star-sealed bottom is stronger than any other seal on the market. It is leak proof and creates a unique, concave shape that leads to increased sales.
Attractive DispensersFuturistically designed dispensers are compact, complement store interiors, and are manufactured from stainless steel or high-impact polycarbonate.
Environmentally FriendlyPull-N-Pak bags used 50% less raw materials and less energy to produce and ship than standard bags. Due to the pre-opened bags and one bag at a time dispensing, Pull-N-Pak decreases bag waste by up to 20%. All Pull-N-Pak bags are recyclable. |
For Every Department of the Supermarket
Joshen Has All Your Crown Poly Product Needs
Contact Joshen today to discuss your bagging needs. Let us show you all the features and benefits of the Pull-N-Pak® System. With complete bag and racking systems, you can begin increasing your store's profitability!